Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Back to the basics

I have been away from blogging for a while. I know that's quite an understatement.

Juggling children and a career in obodo oyinbo is not easy at all o, my people. Like I have mentioned in previous posts, I like to write, but can only write when I am in a certain state of mind. I am back to that place where I can blog. I will still be updating this blog from time to time,as the spirit moves me, in Naija speak. Please also check out my new blog the (Complete) Chatterbox Companion, with anecdotes about my family life. A link to the blog is under the Arins Odyssey 1.0 Tab on the pages panel above.

Lemme share this funny story with you my readers before I end this post i think it depicts the Nigerian obsession with marriage.
So I just had a baby, and my aunt came to visit from Nigeria. She met one of my friends, an American Lady.

American woman: how old are your children

Aunty: 26, 24 and 20

American woman: oh, so they are already very manageable

Aunty: yes o, they are marriageable

Me: Aunty, she said manageable.

Aunty: oh yes, indeed, they are manageable

Me( trying to cover my embarrassment: they are manageable and marriageable.

BLOG WATCH!!!! Don't forget to give credit if you borrow anything from this blog.